
Submission Guidelines

We are thrilled you are interested in collaborating with us. 

When writing your piece, please take the following into consideration;

• We welcome content from a wide range of disciplines and professions, as well as content of a more personal, or of a creative and/or experimental nature, with an interest in rape culture – particularly with a religious and/or biblical element

• Effective posts tend to be 500 – 1000 words (although we do post longer items)

• Posts are in UK English (occasionally we do post material in other languages – if this is in a language one of us knows well)

• Please provide one good quality image which is useable under Creative Commons licensing. If you need help with this, please get in touch

• Where possible, please provide hyperlinks instead of footnotes

• Please provide us with a short author biography (two lines is sufficient) to accompany your post and, if you’d like, your twitter handle

• People normally expect shorter content online. To encourage more readers, please keep your paragraphs and sentences short. Paragraphs should not typically be longer than 5 – 6 lines

• If you are interested in submitting a multi-media contribution (e.g. video, audio or image) we would love to hear from you

• Occasionally and exceptionally, we may accept contributions that depart from these guidelines (e.g. which exceed the recommended length)

• Email your draft to [email protected]